Little did one of us know that we would leave like other people out there associating normally like other children. In the hunt for a better living, there comes one of the people that introduced herself in a way that caught our attention and we shared our thoughts about life at the streets as compared to those in other places.

But as always said, patience pays, a meeting by coincidence later became a regular visit and now a family.With such regular visits, sharing our passion, did not leave our friends (Anthill Foundation) untouched, ideas were generated and such observed ideas could not be left hanging that laid the foundation for Art iv Initiative in 2012 by four former street children.

Based on that background we are inspired by art and music which we use Music, Art, Dance & Drama to empower girls and boys living on the streets to live a better life there by increasing their chances to access education, harness talent to lead healthy lives running under the motto: Inspire the next generation. The team has worked with many young people living in Kampala streets and surrounding places engaging them on Junk Yard Art where recycled materials are transformed into beautiful art pieces suitable for compounds, offices and homes.

With support and mentorship from Anthill Foundation,we have thrived up to this far producing my music and managed to find food and other supplies in their reach at all time hence contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 particularly SDG 1: No PovertySDG 8: Decent work & economic growth and SDG 13: Climate Action.

Some make music to tell a story to the world (might or might not be personal), whereas, some use music as a tool to send and spread social messages.Music is not by language barriers, it has no boundaries and breaks the imaginary territorial lines we have drawn to separate one man from another.And since forever, have been using music and their platforms to spread social issues. Especially with globalization and the increase of social media platforms, music has crossed boundaries like never before. This has helped make people aware and educated on everything that has been going on in the world.

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Watch this video about how music become a central concept of his life,Youtube/facebook

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